Sunday, April 24, 2011

Standard #8 Artifact

Course ED 290: Reading Practicum
Practicum with 2nd grader
INTASC Principles                                                                                                                              NAEYC Initial Licensure Standards: #8
During my reading practicum class at Missouri Valley College, I was placed with a 2nd grader in Mrs. Flinn’s class at Southeast Elementary school. While there, I helped with the reading skills of one of her students. I chose standard #8 because I used an assessment of his beginning and ending skills in reading. I used these assessments to plan how I would plan future lessons.
After doing my first assessment I learn exactly where my student stood with his reading. With the assessment I was able to find out it was not sounds and I also found out through the assessment it was not sight words. At first I thought that it was his confidence but it ended up more of a tracking issue. When I isolated the words he could get them but when I let him just read a sentence with the same word he might get it sometimes but at other times he couldn’t. With this class I could modify my lessons however I wanted which was good for my student that I was helping. I learned that teaching reading to a 2nd grader takes time, patience, and being able to assess the students ability and modify when students needs it.

Pre-assessment: below
Post-assessment: will be added April 28th

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