Friday, April 22, 2011

INTASC principles and NAEYC initial licensure standards

Figure 4-2 Grid for Charting Collected Evidence
INTASC Principles                                                                   Evidence I already         Evidence I still                   NAEYC Initial Licensure Standards                                                   have                               need
1.      Knowledge of subject matter
4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
4c. Understanding content knowledge in early
4d. Building meaningful curriculum
2.      Knowledge of human development
1.       Promoting child development and learning
4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
4d. Building meaningful curriculum
3.      Instruction adapted for diverse learners
1.       Promoting child development and learning
2.       Building family and community relationships
4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
4.      Use of multiple strategies and resources
4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
4d. Building meaningful curriculum
5.      Learning environment/motivation and behavior
1.       Promoting child development and learning
2.       Observing, documenting, and assessing to support
Young children and families.
            4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
            4d. Building meaningful curriculum
6.      Effective communication
4a. Connecting with children and families
4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
7.      Planning for instruction
1.       Promoting child development and learning
2.       Building family and community relationships
3.       Observing, documenting, and assessing to
Support young children and families
            4a. Connecting with children and families
            4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
            4d. Building meaningful curriculum
8.      Assessment of student learning
4. Observing, documenting, and assessing to
    Support young children and families
9.      Professional growth and reflection
5. Becoming a professional
    10.   Interpersonal relationships
            2.   Building family and community relationships
            4a. Connecting with children and families
4.       Becoming a professional
(Wiltz, Nancy W., Watson-Thompson, Ocie, Cawley, Hannah S., Skelley, Heather A. Developing and Presenting a Professional Portfolio in Early Childhood Education. 2nd edition 2009. Pg 36-37)

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