Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Standard #5 Artifact

Course ED 310: Integration of Technology

Web Quest: A Native American Story

INTASC Principles                                                                                                                              NAEYC Initial Licensure Standards: #5

During my Integration of Technology class at Missouri Valley College, I put together a web quest through a lesson in this class. I placed this artifact under the standards #5 because I believe that this project could be used in my classroom to encourage my students to help them be responsible for their own learning. This project will also encourage students to be engaged in active learning.

This project will allow students to learn about Native Americans tribes while letting them control their own learning. This project keeps them active by giving them the web quest and allows them to research their own topic. They are given some direction by giving them a topic to research and I will be right there if they have any questions but until the reading day they are active in their own learning.

A Native American Story
A Web Quest for 5th Grade Social Studies and Communication Arts
Designed by Tracy Norman

We all have heard of Native Americans around Thanksgiving time and how they helped us as a colony survive and thrive. But want are Native Americans? In this Web Quest you will be preparing a book about some of the tribes of North America. You will be learning about their language, customs, food, housing, clothing and even some stories that were told from generation to generation.
The Task
To create a book using Word or PowerPoint about one of the tribes of North America and to report what you have learned to the class.
The Process
1.      First you will be given one Native American Tribe from this list: Algonquian, Abenaki, , Apache, Arapaho, Blackfoot, Caddo, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Choctaw, Comanche, Cree, Creek, Crow, , Iroquois, Kickapoo, Kiowa, Menominee, Miami, Mohawk,  Munsee, Nez Perce, Osage, Ottawa, Potawatomi ,  Seminole, Seneca, Shawnee, Sioux, Winnebago
2.      You will have 2 sites to compile your information: http://www.bigorrin.org/ and http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/indianlocation.htm
3.      The first three pages will be about how your tribe lived. Please include clothing, food and also houses. Make sure that not only do you have the information but also some photographs to show the class what you are talking about.
4.      Next you will be preparing the page of the book about your tribe’s history. You can cover any historical fights, anyone in history they were associated with, famous chiefs, or any other historical facts you come across about your tribe.
5.      Next is the 5th page of the book about the customs or traditions of your tribe. Each tribe has its own customs or traditions please make sure that you separate your tribe from other tribes in this section.
6.      The next page is about the language of your tribe. Please give some examples of the words or common sayings that your tribe used even if you can’t pronounce it (your grade with not be cut for that). Be Creative!
7.      The next page is a story or myth associated with your tribe. There are many stories that were told from generation to generation these stories help us learn more about your tribe. This can be cut and pasted because we want a true tribal story!
8.      I want one page of any information that you found interesting that didn’t fit into the other groups or that did but you didn’t have room for. Please be very creative this is for extra credit!
9.      Now it is time to make the cover! Really think about all you have learned about you tribe and make it reflect what is inside your book. Be Creative!!!
10.  The last page of the book is a simple work sited page. Please give thanks to all the websites or books that you used in the making of this book.
11.  Last step of this web quest is a book reading day! Each person will get to read and show their book to the rest of the class. Be creative and interesting for the rest of the class also if you are a listener uses your good listening skills.
What I will be grading on.
How many points available.
Cover: Looking for uniqueness.
10 pts
Pg1-3: How they lived?
Must include clothing, food, and housing.
Pg4: History of your tribe.
Pg5: Your tribes customs or traditions
Pg6: Language Looking for creativity!
Pg7: Story or Myth.
Pg8: Extra information
10 pts extra credit
Pg9: Simple work sited
Reading day!
10pts for listening
20pts for presentation
Total points
100pts plus 10pts extra credit

Through this process you will get a better idea of the different tribes, how they lived and believed, and the uniqueness of each tribe.
 Credits and References
Most of the websites listed below was used in making the sample book.
This project could be used in groups or individually. I also recommend having the student draw one of the listed tribes above for this project or you hand them out. This is recommended because you might have a lot of books on those tribes that are known and not any of the other interesting tribes that are listed. Webquestbook.pptx this is a sample book that you could print out as a sample for your students.

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